WSU college studies A.I. in farming

Washington State University’s College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Science received a $20 million federal grant in 2021 from USDA to develop artificial intelligence (AI) tools and approaches to support real-time site-specific decision-making at the farm scale.

Associate Dean and Director, ARC, Scot Hulbert, confirmed that the project is a collaboration between AgAID Institute and the National Science Foundation.

Lead Institute Professor Ananth Kalyanaraman explained that what they are trying to do in their research is to see how to harness the power of data and scientific understanding.

Kalyanaraman explained that there are three ways that AI can help farmers with making decisions on the farm. First, the AI models can predict incoming or temperature changes.

He noted that it would also help the farmer know what he needs to use for irrigation.

WSU post-doctoral fellow Abhilash Chandel explains to an AgAID Institute team how the drone’s sensing technology collects multispectral and thermal imagery data from a “smart farm” in Yakima County