Topological tools for multi-cultivar spatiotemporal data

  • Faculty: Ananth Kalyanaraman (WSU), Markus Keller (WSU), Alan Fern (OSU), Lav Khot (WSU), Bala Krishnamoorthy (WSU)
  • Senior Collaborators: Paola Gabriela Pesantez-Cabrera (WSU, Data Scientist)
  • Graduate students: Nathan Balcarcel (WSU, CS)
  • Undergraduate students: Sejal Welankar (WSU, CS)

  • Define topological data analysis workflows to capture multi-cultivar divergence and conserved behavior in cold hardiness.
  • Implement an open-source software for topological analysis, clustering, and visualization of spatiotemporal data.
  • Investigate methods to incorporate topological information into multi-task learning to improve prediction efficacy on single and multi-cultivar data. 
  • Investigate approaches to use RNN model traces for mapping to crop phenological states.

  • Discovering higher-order structures from historic data sets can help improve our understanding of the variability of cold hardiness behavior across the population. 
  • Topological techniques can also potentially help with model interpretation. 

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Links | BibTeX


Extracting patterns in cold hardiness behavior using topological data analysis

Sejal Welankar; Paola Pesantez-Cabrera; Ananth Kalyanaraman

Extracting patterns in cold hardiness behavior using topological data analysis Workshop

arXiv, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

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