How can we design AI that can lead to sustainable and resilient food production?
How to engineer solutions and workflows that would allow humans and machines to partner on the field and generate amplified outcomes?
How can efficient and adoptable AI solutions be developed to address complex societal problems?
How can technology designed to tackle problems in one domain be carried over and extended to a broader class of applications?
These are some of the questions we seek to solve through the AgAID Institute. If you are intrigued by these topics then the emerging field of AI enabled agriculture may be for you.
This emerging field needs a highly skilled and intellectually flexible workforce - both researchers and practitioners. The AgAID Institute will prepare you to become a valuable member of this AI-driven workforce. The AgAID undergraduate and graduate learning experience has four major components: 1) A foundation of discipline-based content; 2) Cutting edge research experience and training through our world-class faculty; 3) Hands-on, real-world experience through learning circles, internships, and hackathons; and 4) Peer support through mentors/mentees opportunities, and tutoring.
Are You An Interested Graduate Student?
If you are a potential graduate student looking for a Ph.D. or MS research opportunity in AI- or Ag-related topics (or both), contact one of the participating graduate faculty at the Institute.
Are You An Interested Undergraduate Student?
If you are an undergraduate student looking for a research internship, please keep a tab on this page for further opportunity announcements.