The AgAID Institute for Transforming Workforce and Decision Support in Agriculture

University of Georgia Georgia

The newly established AgAID Institute, led by Washington State University, is a multi-institution, transdisciplinary coalition that will build partnerships between the Institute’s core members (six universities, two community/4-year colleges, and two tech companies) and a diverse range of key stakeholder groups. The overall approach will be guided by a cross-cutting mantra of adopt-adapt-amplify, i.e., adoption […]

AgTech – Lots of Promise, but Why do Growers care?

WSU - Hamilton Hall Large Conference Room Prosser, WA

Steve is the founder of, a Walla Walla-based agtech startup and Microsoft-partnered company.  Prior to embarking on the startup, Steve spent 12 years at Microsoft with a focus on cloud services. He envisions Walla Walla as the perfect base for ag startups given the convergence of progressive farmers and three colleges with strengths in […]

AI Institute for Transforming Workforce & Decision Support (AgAID)

The USDA-NIFA Institute for Agricultural AI for Transforming Workforce & Decision Support (AgAID) aims to integrate AI methods into agriculture operations for prediction, decision support, and robotics-enabled agriculture. AgAID faculty will provide an overview of the Institute's work, including their unique adopt-adapt-amplify approach to develop and deliver AI solutions to agriculture that address pressing challenges […]

2023 Virtual Orchard Meetup Managing the Uncontrollable – Water

Virtual WA, United States

The summer Virtual Meetup program has brought together growers, researchers, government, and Extension agents to have an international conversation about important tree fruit topics, connecting industry leaders across North America. This year's webinar series will focus on the topic of "Managing the Uncontrollable." Over the past decade, growers have been forced to confront wildly vacillating […]

2023 Virtual Orchard Meetup Mitigating Heat Stress

Virtual WA, United States

Over the past decade, growers have been forced to confront wildly vacillating winter temperatures, uneven and often excessively heavy precipitation events, and extremely hot temperatures coupled with extended droughts. We will showcase growers and other specialists who are leading the development of solutions to these challenges facing the industry. This effort is being conducted across […]

AgWeatherNet: An introduction to the network, data, and decision support tools – Sean Hill, WSU

Virtual WA, United States

AgWeatherNet (AWN) provides Washington State farmers, gardeners, researchers, and policy makers with weather data and weather-related decision-support tools to improve agricultural production (yield and quality), efficiency, and profitability while minimizing environmental impacts. AWN was established to serve irrigated agriculture in central Washington, but with a legislative mandate to serve the entire state has expanded to better […]

AI in Agriculture – Ananth Kalyanaraman, EECS, WSU

Virtual WA, United States

The AgAID Institute is a university-led, transdisciplinary, National AI Research Institute with core funding from the US Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Launched in 2021, our Institute is developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions to help address the complex challenges of agriculture related to labor, water scarcity, weather events, and climate change. […]

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