- Faculty: Alan Fern (OSU), Prasad Tadepalli (OSU), Markus Keller (WSU)
- Senior Collaborators: Paola Pesantez-Cabrera (WSU, Data Scientist), Sean Hill (WSU AgWeatherNet)
- Graduate students: Zhengxian Lin (OSU, M.S.), Kin-Ho Lam (OSU, M.S.), Aseem Saxeena (OSU, Ph.D.)
- Undergraduate students: Rohan Ballapragada (OSU, Computer Science)
- Develop machine learning models for grape cold hardiness prediction and compare those to existing models.
- Develop and evaluate multi-task learning methods for cold hardiness of different grape cultivars.
- Adapt models developed for grapes to predict sweet cherry cold-hardiness and bud break timing.
- Develop transfer learning methods that can leverage phenology data when cold hardiness training data is not available.
- Porting relevant beta models on AgWeatherNet for grower decision support and testing by a selected set of users.
- Develop machine learning models for grape cold hardiness prediction and compare those to existing models.
- Develop and evaluate multi-task learning methods for cold hardiness of different grape cultivars.
- Adapt models developed for grapes to predict sweet cherry cold-hardiness and bud break timing.
- Develop transfer learning methods that can leverage phenology data when cold hardiness training data is not available.
- Porting relevant beta models on AgWeatherNet for grower decision support and testing by a selected set of users.
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Grape Cold Hardiness Prediction via Multi-Task Learning Conference
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2023, 2023.
Multi-Task Learning for Budbreak Prediction Workshop
2nd AAAI Workshop on AI for Agriculture and Food Systems (AIAFS), arXiv, 2023, (arXiv:2301.01815 [cs]).
Persistent Homology to Study Cold Hardiness of Grape Cultivars Workshop
2nd AAAI Workshop on AI for Agriculture and Food Systems (AIAFS), arXiv, 2023.
Grape Cold Hardiness Prediction via Multi-Task Learning Workshop
Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber-Agricultural Systems (MLCAS2022), 2022.
Extracting patterns in cold hardiness behavior using topological data analysis Workshop
arXiv, 2022.